Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tutorial: Tapering Pants

Remember these pants from my last post? Yep those are the ones I altered so they were no longer dragging the floor well now I have another problem with them....I don't like FLARES!!! So whats a girl to do?? TAPER!! I'm going to try my first tutorial so here we go.

What you will need:
Ruler/Measuring Tape
White Pencil
Sewing Machine

I started off by putting the pants on inside out and pinning them where I would like the tapering to start. My mark started just about at the knee. Then take off the pants, put them on a flat surface and make sure the pant leg is not bunching up.
 I put a pin at the top of where the taper starts and at the bottom of the pant leg at the point you want to take it in (I measured 2 inches in).  Then used a tape measure to make a white line and pinned along the line. I sewed a straight stitch along the white line. Make sure to put the pants on right side out to see if you like it.
Here is after the first leg:

I liked it so I moved on to the next leg. I put the legs next to each other and matched them up on the exact same spots. Repeat the steps again and after trying them on to make sure I liked them, I suggest cutting the excess material (only do this if you are happy with the pants).
And the final result:
I am very happy with them and I hope you like my tutorial!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Altering Pants!!

I need to update this blog more!! I have been busy, in my defense, I do have more than this blog post that I need to put up but I want to spread them out a little. Two weekends ago the hubby and I went to KC, KS for Valentine's Day/His 25th Birthday. We stayed in a hotel, went out to eat, and did some shopping. The trip was very fun and relaxing.

On the way back we stopped in Lansing to eat lunch and they happened to have a huge goodwill. I am a sucker for discount clothing and am so ready for garage sale season. We went in there and walked out with a Lucky Brand pair of jeans for him at $6.99.  Also a blue t-shirt for $1.75, and khaki pants at $3.99 for me.

Now I would like to point out that I am 5'1 and finding pants/jeans are extremely hard!! I needed another pair of khaki's for work and they had my size but not my length..well thanks to the wonderful community of Pinterest I remembered that I had found an article on how to hem jeans from Make It and Love It (here is a direct link to the post).  So I thought why not the pants are $3.99 and no one at work is going to care if they are not perfect.

Well tonight I decided to hem the pants and they actually look pretty good! I took some pictures so you can see how it looks now.

Here is after one leg was done (I forgot to take a before pic)

And here is the finished product

I admit I am not a big fan of the more flared leg but I think these turned out pretty good for my first try!!
Well that is all for now next blog I plan to show you my adorable baby sweatpants!