Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tutorial: Tapering Pants

Remember these pants from my last post? Yep those are the ones I altered so they were no longer dragging the floor well now I have another problem with them....I don't like FLARES!!! So whats a girl to do?? TAPER!! I'm going to try my first tutorial so here we go.

What you will need:
Ruler/Measuring Tape
White Pencil
Sewing Machine

I started off by putting the pants on inside out and pinning them where I would like the tapering to start. My mark started just about at the knee. Then take off the pants, put them on a flat surface and make sure the pant leg is not bunching up.
 I put a pin at the top of where the taper starts and at the bottom of the pant leg at the point you want to take it in (I measured 2 inches in).  Then used a tape measure to make a white line and pinned along the line. I sewed a straight stitch along the white line. Make sure to put the pants on right side out to see if you like it.
Here is after the first leg:

I liked it so I moved on to the next leg. I put the legs next to each other and matched them up on the exact same spots. Repeat the steps again and after trying them on to make sure I liked them, I suggest cutting the excess material (only do this if you are happy with the pants).
And the final result:
I am very happy with them and I hope you like my tutorial!!

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